What's the point of a snowstorm
that dumps endlessly if you're not
going to walk in it at night
and marvel at the way it sparkles in the
street lights before wistfully
joining the blanket hugging the ground
which whispers
"we are magnificent"
to absolutely no one
and still, she is
What's the point if you don't
wrestle on layers of snow gear
contorting and shifting and
sweating to prep with proper
measure just in case the
sledding is so thrilling
and consuming you need to
be well equipped to just
Let It Ride
Snow is for playing in, hard
What's the point of having
a life that you work so hard at
buffering out challenge or difficulty
if the real truth is that when
Travesty strikes you actually
finally feel like the truest version
of yourself
Navigating loopholes while
clarifying Values and Vision
What does it feel like to be
without a toothache?
No one really knows
What they know is the pain
and they know the reality of
what pain teaches them and
what next best steps it tells
them to walk
And that's the whole point.
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