Fear taps scratching cracks onto
the windows nestled inside of our brains
luring our thoughts to engage,
away from what we could be
planting seeds of worry and shame-
a dangerous dance of doubt and denial
Fear wishes to ensnare...
Repeatedly, we learn to push away
these forward and unwanted advances
until we decide to stop the back
and forth and be gentle with fear:
what if fear is something to invite in?
Perhaps fear has a message for us,
something we need to learn about ourselves
in order to catapult us into
Why is it so hard to believe that we
are capable of something significant?
Why do I specifically have so much insecurity?
What can I do to change this?
I have to dive into dialogue with fear,
hear it out,
make sense of its desire to protect,
learn from it.
And then,
I must choose to stop talking to fear
and while still respecting its rightful place
walk past it with strength and awareness
towards what is next.
Fear can stand by,
staring me down, causing me to quake,
but it must not, cannot
stop me.
So right now: conversation stage.
Hey there, fear-what's up?
I am all ears.
I am willing to explore
what you are encouraging me
to consider right now:
the risks, the what ifs, the futility
or missing pieces?
Yup....got it.
Well then, thanks fear, I am sure
that some of this will serve me well,
if I want to be successful...
I assure you I will reckon with it,
make appropriate accommodations to ensure that
the risks are minimized...
sorry fear, but from here I am
going to find it necessary to walk on
past you.
I know what I am capable of:
I am feeling almost ready to do it.
Vision is what is needed now,
and Fear, you sometimes like to throw a blanket on what could be:
"It's too risky! Don't see it!"
But I must walk toward it, pull back the veil
and be brave.
Being brave is what is next.
I am going to go to the source.
I am going to find the truth.
I am going to create the path.
Fear is not my path.
Shedding fear lights me up
ensuring the path is not outside of me,
so that the path can become me.
Keep moving.
I am the light.